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金松青,密歇根州立大学农业、食品与资源经济学系终身教授,博士生导师。浙江大学农经系和农村发展研究院兼职教授。金教授拥有美国加州大学戴维斯分校的博士学位。毕业后,他曾任职于世界银行发展研究部,担任经济学家。离开世界银行后,他还长期担任世界银行顾问,近年也担任过国际食品政策研究所,和美洲发展银行的顾问。金教授是美国应用和农业经济学会中国分会的上届主席,为二十多个经济学和农业经济学的国际期刊的匿名审稿人。金教授致力于研究中国和其他发展中国家(包括印度、越南、斯里兰卡和非洲几个国家)的农村发展问题。主要研究内容包括土地改革和土地产权、农村劳动力转移、农村非农发展和农村城市化对粮食安全的影响、农业科研体系的结构优化、农业科研和农业生产力、性别和等级的不平等性、村级选举和农村发展等。五年内完成各类学术论文和报告20余篇, 其中15篇已经在国际经济学期刊上发表,3篇发表在世界银行的工作论文系列,5篇作为章节被5本经济书籍录用。发表的论文在过去5年中被国际学术性和政策性文章录用1006次。研究成果在国内外专业学术年会、学术研讨会、和各类政策性会议上宣读30多次。多次被世界银行、美洲发展银行、比尔盖茨梅林达基金会农业发展处、联合国大学等机构邀请并宣读研究成果。被世界银行发展研究部长期聘请为顾问,目前兼国际食品政策研究所的顾问,也曾经是美洲发展银行顾问。为10多个经济学和农业经济学的核心期刊评阅论文。

Songqing Jin
Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Michigan State University

Dr. Songqing Jin joined the faculty at the Michigan State University in August 2007. He is appointed in the tenure system. His research interests are in the broad areas of microeconomics of international agricultural development. The main part of his research has been focused on rural land tenure and rural land market issues in developing countries.

His past and current research also concerns other development issues such as rural non-farm development, rural labor migration, rural governance and economics of gender inequality. He has conducted fieldwork and other research activities in East Asia, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa countries during the past several years. Before coming to MSU, he was a research economist in the World Bank.

Ph.D., University of California, Davis
M.S., Rutgers University
M.S., Zhejiang (Agricultural) University, China
B.S., Zhejiang (Agricultural) University, China
Associate Professor
