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  1941年毕业于国立浙江大学史地系,曾任职于中国地理研究所及台湾师范大学。赴美后入锡拉丘兹大学(Suracuse University),1950年获硕士学位,1953年获博士学位。毕业后任达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)地理系讲师,翌年任麻省理工学院研究员,1956年任美国天主教大学地理系助理教授,1959年升任为副教授。1964年应邀赴英国利兹大学(Univezsity of Leeds)讲学一年。香港中文大学成立后,被聘为地理科第一届校外考试委员。1967年美国匹茨堡大学聘任为地理学终身正教授。1968年台湾科学委员会成立,被任为师范大学讲座教授,并被选为台湾地学协会会长。1972年获美国人文科学研究奖金(Nationae Endowment for the Humani ties)。1975年获任香港大学地理学荣誉教授。1981年获富布赖特研究奖金(Fuebright Rescarck Fe-eeozoskip),任北京大学访问教授。曾多次出席国际地理学会及太平洋科学会议。1968年参加在印度所举行的第21届国际地理学会时,被选为人口地理组副主席。
  谢氏著作丰富,其论文散见于英美各杂志。1964年在英国出版之《台湾宝岛》一书,深获佳评,被美国“图书季刊”列为该年度最佳科学书藉之一。1967年所出版之《中国的土地和人民》,为凡诺德政治地理丛书之一,各大学多选为教本。1973年美国麦克乐公司Mcgrau Book Company出版之《中国地图集》,曾两次为《纽约时报》作为当代书刊推介,获国际间重视。曾获美国福赖脱基金奖、国家人文基金奖和洛克菲勒基金奖。并在北京大学设立“谢觉民人文地理学基金会”任董事长。

Chiao-min Hsieh, an emeritus faculty member in the Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences, died Feb. 26, 2015, in Silver Spring, Maryland. He was 96.
Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, in China, he graduated from Zhejiang University in 1941. He earned his PhD in geography at Syracuse University in 1953. Unable to return to his homeland in the tumultuous 1950s, Hsieh ultimately became a U.S. citizen.
He taught at several universities, including Dartmouth College, University of Leeds, Catholic University, Hong Kong University, National Taiwan Normal University, the Chinese Culture University, and his alma mater, Zhejiang University.
He joined the Pitt faculty in 1969 and retired in 1992.
Hsieh was awarded a Fulbright research professorship three times and was a National Endowment for the Humanities senior fellow.
He wrote several academic books and atlases, including: “China: Ageless Land and Countless People,” “Taiwan Ilha Formosa: A Geography in Perspective,” “Atlas of China,” “Changing China: A Geographic Appraisal” (with Max Lu), and “China, a Provincial Atlas” (with his late wife, Jean Kan Hsieh).
His last book, “Race the Rising Sun,” published in 2009, was a personal account coauthored with his wife of their university years and Zhejiang University’s evacuation from Hangzhou during the Japanese occupation of that city during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Hsieh was a passionate Chinese chess (xiangqi) player and a keen follower of basketball, especially of the Pitt team, his family said.
His wife of 65 years, Jean Kan Hsieh, died in 2012. Surviving are his daughter, Eileen Hsieh, and son-in-law Michael Tomenga; his son, An-Ping Hsieh, and daughter-in-law Sarah Lessels Hsieh, and his grandchildren Brian, Andrew and Kyra Tomenga, and Jessica and Alexander Hsieh.