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The Presidential Faculty Fellows (PFF) program was established in 1992 at the request of President George Bush to recognize and support the scholarly endeavors of young tenure-track faculty.
Administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the program provided grant recipients with $100,000 per year for up to 5 years. Fellows could use PFF funding to (1) undertake self- designed, innovative research and teaching projects; (2) establish research and teaching programs; and (3) pursue other academic- related activities.
Half of the 30 awards made in a given year were to faculty in engineering disciplines. The remaining awards were to faculty in science disciplines. Responsibility for oversight of a Fellow's activities was assigned to NSF program officers in the appropriate Directorate. Program management was the responsibility of the Foundation's Division of Graduate Education (DGE) in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR).
The PFF program, inaugurated in 1992, differed from its predecessors in four important respects. First, it provided grant recipients with considerably more financial assistance ($100,000 per year for up to 5 years). Second, PFF was used to support considerably fewer individuals (30 per year, compared with 150- 200 per year for PYI and NYI). Third, whereas the PYI and NYI programs had been created to foster cooperation between government and industry, the PFF program did not include this component. Fourth, while NSF oversaw the selection process, PFF carried more financial impact and prestige than its predecessors.
The PFF program made awards to 120 individuals between 1992 and 1995. In FY 1996, the Foundation stopped making new PFF awards. As is discussed below, the PFF program was replaced by the Foundation's participation in the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) program.


美国青年科学家与工程师总统奖,英文全称为Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers(简称PECASE),是美国政府授予美独立研究青年科学家和工程师的最高荣誉。
美国农业部(Department of Agriculture)
美国商业部(Department of Commerce)
美国国防部(Department of Defense)
美国能源部(Department of Energy)
美国教育部(Department of Education)
美国卫生与公众服务部-国家卫生研究所(Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health)
美国退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)
美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation)


1993年 朱承 中国留美学人中第一位美国总统教授学者奖获得者。1982年毕业于浙江大学力学系。
1997年 美国国防部 来颖诚 Ying-Cheng Lai 堪萨斯大学,University of Kansas
1998年 美国能源部 郦伟甫 James W. Lee 橡树岭国家实验室,Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2003年 美国能源部 沈健 Jian Shen 橡树岭国家实验室,Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2019年 美国国家自然科学基金会 汪琳薇 Linwei Wang 罗切斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology

